3 Reasons Why Salt Free Water Conditioners Are Superior

Are you ready to purchase a new water softener, but you aren't sure what kind of water softener to purchase? Fortunately for today's homeowner, there are now several different options to select from when trying to find the right water softener. One of these options is the salt-free water conditioner. While many homeowners are still unfamiliar with water conditioning systems, there are actually many reasons to take full advantage of this technology by bringing it to your home. Here's a look at just three reasons why salt-free water conditioners are superior to traditional water softeners.
Reason #1: Save Money
Perhaps the biggest reason to purchase a salt-free water conditioner is to save money. Saltless water conditioners can help you save money in a number of ways. As with any water softener, getting rid of hard water will help increase the lifespan of your appliances by as much as 30% while also cutting back on repair costs. Getting rid of hard water will also help your clothes last longer and look better. Since water heaters do not have to work as hard to heat soft water, you can also cut back on your energy costs. Furthermore, since soaps and cleaners work more effectively with soft water, you can cut back on your personal hygiene and housecleaning costs.
While any quality water softener will help you save money by eliminating hard water, salt-free water conditioners help to cut costs further because they typically cost 50% to 80% less than other softeners. Even better, salt-free water conditioners such as the NuvoH2O come with a lifetime warranty. Traditional softeners, on the other hand, generally last about 10 years before they need to be replaced.

Reason #2: Protect the Environment
Since salt-free water systems do not require salt, you avoid the hassle of replacing the salt while also protecting your health and the environment from the harmful effects of salt. Certain types of salt-free water softeners also do not require electricity and do not waste water. The conservation of water and energy helps to further minimize the impact on the environment.

Reason #3: Enjoy a Hassle-Free Lifestyle
As anyone who has owned a traditional water softener can tell you, adding new salt to the softener can be a major hassle. In most households, new salt needs to be added on a monthly basis. If you fail to keep an eye on the salt and allow the level to reach less than half-full, you will not maintain the consistency of the water. On the other hand, if you overfill the water softener with salt, you will run into problems as well. Furthermore, bags of salt are quite heavy and are typically covered with a salty residue that dries out the skin and stains clothing. With salt-free water conditioners, the lightweight cartridges typically need to be replaced just once every six months and are easy to replace. Be sure to read the article at healthybuddys.


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